Rangeena Kumari is a 14 years old girl in village-Nariyahi of panchayat-Padariya, post-Basariya, and block-Chouparan in Hazaribag district of Jharkhand. She is currently studying in class 9th in Chandrakala Devi Daga High School, Kewaliya (Chouparan) and is a bright student. She was a school drop-out until last year despite her will to study. Her father, Mr. Basant Thakur is a small farmer who lives in a kuchcha house along with 6 family members. Agriculture is the only source of the family’s income. With a meagre annual income of Rs. 30,000 only it was difficult for Basant to manage schooling for his children. Rangeena had to leave school despite her strong desire to study further. Last year; she was enrolled back to school with the kind support of an individual donor via GiveIndia and is performing well in her class. She dreams to become a teacher in future and wants to support her parents. She is a beneficiary of Girls’ Sponsorship program of NBJK. GiveIndia supports this endeavor along with other programs like Cataract Surgery and Orphanage also. From 2010-11 to 2014-15, various donors via Give India have sponsored village girls for their yearly school education and have benefitted 1284 girls cumulatively till September’14. During this period, GI has also provided support to 1011 poor eye patients suffering from cataract to restore their vision by LNJP Eye hospital, Bahera (Chouparan). At Lord Buddha Home for Children, an orphanage with support of SKB, the Netherlands and managed by NBJK, its financial backing has enabled 15 children to study in a good school and receive the basic facilities towards building a promising future for them.