23 September 2022, Shantman Nagar, Ranchi: Jharkhand State Lok Samiti has convened a state level meeting at Jay Prakash hall of NBJK at Shantman Nagar, Ranchi. This was chaired by Mr. Wazir Ahmad (Vice-president, JSLS) and Mr. Girija Satish (National President, Lok Samiti) delivered keynote address before the delegates.
While sharing his views upon contemporary socio-political situation, Mr. Girija Satish said that liquor, communalism and corruption due to complexities within Government schemes are root cause of our many problems. He demanded for alcohol ban in Jharkhand and India by efficient law with ensured enforcement. Likewise communal feelings hinder our national unity, integrity as well as progress and such mindset must be changed, he mentioned.
Drawing the attention of the Government, Mr. Girija Satish said that since formulation of our Govt. schemes upon education, health, employment, drinking water, agriculture etc. lack people’s participation and burdened with complications, these can’t deliver expected outcomes. He suggested for individual and family based development plans for people.
The National President of Lok Samiti stated that only Government is unable to fulfill the need of education & health services for every citizen and it should promote non-government sector to initiate new schools or hospitals on the basis of flexible criteria.
Over the problems with landless people, Mr. Girija Satish called that such families should be given the lease of Gairmajrua land to be held by them for last 10 years and said that the FCRA Act applicable to non-government organizations should be made practical as alternative development work is also necessary for the country.
Mr. Kaushal Ganesh Azad (National Coordinator, Lok Samiti) has informed about district wise advocacy on liquor prohibition by making contact with MLAs. We will launch Manav Jodo program against communalism and will enlist volunteers as Sarvodaya Mitra & Lok Sevak at distrivt level, he updated. Mr. Azad notified about Lok Samiti Convention in every district of Jharkhand on 30 October 2022 and a state level convention in November’22.
Also Mrs. Kunti Bahen, Mrs. Geeta, Ms. Meena, Mr. Vishwanath Azad, Mr. Abdus Subhan, Mr. Angura Mahto, Mr. Bhagwat Ravidas, Mr. Vijay and Mr. Raveendra have expressed their views on the occasion. Around 30 delegates from 10 districts of Jharkhand have joined the meeting.