09 September 2020, Murhu (Khunti): Under the program of #Mission2020LakhpatiKisanSmartVillage by NBJK with support of Tata Trusts @tatatrusts and CInI @cinicell #MurhuNariShaktiKisanProducerCompanyLimited has started Better Life Farming Center. The company is co-opted by Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society @onlineJSLPS also.
BLFC will provide high quality agriculture inputs & technical services, cultivation training, marketing, price transparency and to boost up farmers’ collective bargaining capacity. The farmers will be offered tips for improved seeds, crops safety, drip irrigation, mulching & other technical information at the center. Also they will be facilitated towards market linkage, access to buyers etc in Murhu and other blocks of the district, Mrs. Dayamani Nag (Chairperson, MNSKPCL) and Mr. Abhijit Mal (CEO, MNSKPCL) have briefed on the occasion.
BLFC has technical assistance from Bayer CropScience while CInI-Tata Trusts-NBJK will help the center financially. Mr. Mohit Purty (Branch Manager, NBJK-Khunti), Mr. Somnath Das (Coordinator, CInI-Tata Trusts), Mr. Pankaj Kumar (RPO, JOHAR-JSLPS), Mr. Saurabh Kumar (Bayer CropScience), Mr. Niraj Kumar with many local entrepreneurs & farmers were present in the inaugural ceremony of Better Life Farming Center. Please click at https://publicapp.co.in/video/sp_cqq532p9uk5mb?share=true for more information.