10 February 2024, Hazaribagh: NBJK runs the program of Poverty Reduction through Self-Help Groups on self-sustainable mode. It’s a pioneering social intervention by NBJK since the year 1991 with a rich work experience of organizing women, which touches a wider concern of their socio-economic development. It covers 12 blocks in Hazaribagh, Ramgarh, Ranchi, Khunti districts of Jharkhand and 15 Slum areas of Patna in Bihar.
The program organizes women as their Self-Help Groups and men under Joint Liability Groups. The group members belong to same localities. They elect groups’ office bearers and those are responsible to run their SHGs or JLGs efficiently. These SHGs & JLGs hold regular meetings, ensure groups’ internal saving and the members support each other to promote their livelihood activities.
The program offers micro credit support service at doorstep of the groups and monitors their minor businesses or income generation activities. Currently there are 953 SHGs with 21102 members and micro credit has been provided to 5277 members of 588 SHGs. Likewise the number of total borrower JLGs is 384 and their 1209 male members have availed the micro finance support.
It’s cumulative recovery rate is around 93.37% despite two consequent business years halted by COVID pandemic. It provides direct support to bread-winners of 6486 families and contributes to women’s empowerment at large scale.
#PovertyReduction #SelfHelpGroup #WomenEmpowerment #JointLiabilityGroup #LivelihoodPromotion #NbjkInitiative