Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

07 October 2022, Hazaribagh: Responding bravely to second horrible wave of Covid, NBJK came forward with a 30 bedded Covid Care Center with 20 oxygen beds at LNJP Eye Hospital; Bahera (Chouparan, Hazaribagh) that saved 35 lives.

Likewise 36,345 OPD from 595 Covid Care Rural Outreach Camps with free of cost health checkup, medical consultation & medicine(s) to persons with Covid like symptoms was a cruicial preventive step.

During those dangerous days, more than 400 Covid suffering persons have been provided Oximeters & Vaporizers. Around 1000 Rural Medical Practitioners have been supported with Infrared Thermometer, Oximeter and a jar of liquid Sanitizer for each.

NBJK arranged food grains for nearly 2,000 families and ensured Vaccination support to 70,000 plus people. Also 139 school children received smart phones for online classes.

The organization pays sincere gratitude to Mr. Jayant Sinha (Hon. MP, Hazaribagh), all kindhearted donors and supporters!!