09 February 2018, Khunti: Under the joint mission project of “Lakhpati Kisan Smart Village” by Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra & CInI-Tata Trusts, Murhu Nari Shakti Kisan Producer Company Limited has organised an Annual Mega Women Convension at Kunjala Ground, Khunti. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Manish Ranjan (IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Khunti) as the chief guest accompanied by Mr. Girija Satish (President, NBJK), Dr. Rajni Sinku (District Animal Husbandry Officer), Mr. Shiv Shankar (Consultant, MGNEREGA State Cell), Ms. Pallavi Kumari (JSLPS Programme Coordinator), Mrs. Dayamani Nag (Secretary, MNSKPC Ltd.) and Prof. (Dr.) S. K. Singh (Ex Dean, Birsa Agriculture University) for lamp lighting ceremony.
The Deputy Commissioner has applauded various efforts for women empowerment and rural development under the project and shared about Government schemes. Also he asked about progress of PM Ujjwala Yojna for LPG connection, toilet construction in villages and conveyed his best wishes for the producer company led by women. Mr. Girija Satish has explained about NBJK-CInI’s initiatve for inclusive development in Khunti through women oriented activities and their impact with formation of a producer company also. A lot of relevant information upon animal husbandry, MGNEREGA and other livelihood options was shared by concerned Government officials. Prof. (Dr.) S. K. Singh has shared useful tips and his experience upon pig rearing. The tribal women have presented folk songs, dance and theme based plays to promote sanitation.
This mega women convention was participated by about 2000 women from 220 SHGs from many villages like Binda, Bichna, Kudapurti, Digdi, Gutuhatu etc. There are 2800 producer families under umbrella of MNSKPC Limited who rear pigs, produce lac and cultivate cash crops. The company will include additional 3000 shareholders and aims to be associated with production, marketing and financial institutions more systematically. The convention was concluded with the message for promotion of women’s stake in development.