May 2017, Hazaribag-Giridih-Koderma-Gaya-Nawada: In the month of May’17, a number of activities took place under Disability Rights program by NBJK with support of Action Village India and Big Lottery Fund, UK.
There were 21 panchayat level media advocacy meetings in 5 districts with more than 1600 people including PRI member, Mukhiya, Sarpanch, Rojgar Sewak, Anganwadi Sewika, Jal Sahiya, Ward Member and other community leaders. They discussed problems related to certification, pension, appliances, BPL enlisting and inclusion with Govt. schemes on housing/job/food security etc. Also 3 block level advocacy meetings held at Dobhi (Gaya), Chnadwara (Koderma) and Hisua (Nawada) with 222 participants along with BDO, CO, BMO, PRI representatives and others. They focused upon Adhar Card-Bank linkage for service delivery. Also 19 block level meetings of DPOs (Disable People Organizations) took place in all the program districts and they discussed regarding registration, DSHGs linkage, certification, vocational training, office place, Govt. Schemes, Tricycle repair campaign etc. There were 361 DPO members present in these meetings.
In Bodhgaya block, 2 PwDs were provided tool kits for carpentry and bicycle repair works respectively while 2 female PwDs were linked to Rozgar Training Center at Giridih for short term vocational courses. 21 PwDs have been supported in 4 districts (except Koderma) with their Tricycle repair. 28 Disable Self-Help Groups (DSHGs) have been supported with Saving Box & necessary documents/pass book etc. while 30 PwDs got Micro-credit support worth Rs. 1 lac 70 thousand. At Giridih, a representation of PwDs have demanded for Audiologist, doctors’ panel and delay control measures before the Civil Surgeon. Also a training on New PwD Act 2016 was organized for 60 DPO leaders/volunteers from program districts. This provided a fresh look over the law framed recently over rights of PwDs in India.