31 March 2023, Chouparan (Hazaribagh): Sunita Kumari hails from village-Kewalia, post-Vrindavan, ps-Chouparan, dist-Hazaribagh. She belongs to a landless SC community and her father Shri Umesh Bhuiyan passed away during Covid time.
Currently Sunita’s mother heads the family along with Sunita, her three sisters and two brothers. She is a daily waged labourer and passing through hardship to take care of her children.
Considering the family condition, NBJK run Chandrakala Devi Daga High School shoulders responsibility of schooling for Sunita, the semi-orphan girl. She is a student of class VII and avails 100% free-ship. She is good in study and NBJK supports to complete her school education.
NBJK enables Sunita to nurture big dream and encourages her to face the challenges in life.