Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

02 January 2022, Deoghar: With support of SBI Foundation, the CSR wing of State Bank of India, NBJK carries out SBI Gram Seva project at Ramaldih, Sahari, Barsatiya, Gaadi and Navadih villages of Andhrigadar panchayat in Deoghar Sadar block under Deoghar district.

SBIGS strives for integrated development through education for children as well as skill development, livelihood support, profitable agriculture with youths, women and farmers. The initiatives like community’s access to banking service and digitalization of villages add an extra edge to the project. Across all these five villages, the main occupation of inhabitants is agriculture and SBIGS caters 1073 households with 6300 people.

There are Community Information Centres with facilities like internet connectivity, print & xerox facilities, villagers watch TV, informative videos, daily news etc. Village Development Committees maintain previously created assets like hand pumps, wells, bathrooms, soak pits, pot cleaning/meeting platforms, crematorium shed, plantation, medical equipments at CHC etc.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra-Deoghar have encouraged the villagers for oilseeds farming and provided training to women on nourishment & nutritional foods as well as through the project, 600 Papaya plants have been distributed among 66 farmers and 17 farmers got Electric Motor Pumps.

Likewise women learn tailoring skill at SBI Prerna Kendra, Ramaldih. They formed Pooja Ajeevika Sakhee Mandal and installed an Incense stick making machine to raise income. Another women group as Laxmi Ajeevika Sakhee Mandal of village-Barstiya is engaged with cow rearing.

SBIGS arranges extra tuition for school children in subjects like Science, Maths & English at Remedial Coaching Centres, provides SBI OJAS Rural Talent Scholarship and involves people in celebration of various Special Days.