09 July 2022, Hazaribagh: Under Inclusive Eye Health Program, a special free eye screening camp for Persons with Disabilities was organized at old block office premises near Jhinjhariya pul as a joint effort of Sightsavers, JSLPS and NBJK.
This ensured 68 OPD with 58 PwDs out of which 10 were children. After checkup, 08 have been found as cataract ridden, 21 suffering from refractive error and remaining with other eye problems. All cataract patients will avail free surgery at NBJK run LNJP Eye Hospital, Bahera (Chauparan, Hazaribagh), specs prescribed for patients of refractive error while others got medical consultation.
Mrs. Shanti Marandi (DPM, JSLPS), Ms. Shruti (DMFI, JSLPS), Mr. Kirti Rawat (DPC-REH, Sightsavers), Ms. Nidhi Kshetri (DPC-SI, Sightsavers), Mr. Deepak Sharma (SSF, Sightsavers), Ms. Neha Khatoon (Divya Jyoti) and NBJK medical team members like Mr. Praveen Singh (Optometrist), Mr. Sadanand Kumar (Optometrist), Mrs. Sunita (ANM), Mr. Raju Kumar (Mobilizer), Mr. Sohar Gope (Assistant) have contributed to the camp.