10 May 2020, Khunti: Under joint auspices of Khunti Chamber of Commerce & Industries, SEWA Welfare Society and NBJK, 250 needy families have received ration at Saake, Kochang and Baruhatu villages in Arki block of Khunti district.
These families belong to around 20 remote villages including Totkora, Kudada, Ladli, Eechahatu etc. also which are located in dense forest amid hilly terrain and affected by naxal as well as Pathalgadi activities badly. In presence of the Gram Pradhan, all the people got ration at near 12 noon and before that all have been served Khichdi also as their assimilation started at about 6 AM on the day.
After making information to the district control room, a joint team of KCCI, SWS & NBJK including Mr. Vinod Jaiswal, Ms Jyoti Singh and Mr. Mohit Purty has reached there and distributed dry ration with masks among villagers. Mr. Neelkanth Singh Munda (MLA, Khunti) has provided masks to SWS for the purpose.
Also the team members have disseminated information about protective procedures for COVID-19 and an awareness chariot by NBJK was on move in the area. The villagers have shown their commitment for No Entry Corona collectively.