10 June 2019, Koderma: Under Holistic Rural Development Programme (HRDP) with support of HDFC Bank Ltd., Mumbai, a convention of the beneficiaries was organized on occasion of World Environment fortnight. As the chief guest of this convention, Mr. Alok Trivedy (Dy. Dev. Commissioner, Koderma) has inaugurated the convention and appreciated NBJK for implementation of environment friendly programmes. He said that a relevant issue is being raised in this convention and we must see our environment in its totality to save it if wishing survival of our future generations. The very concern of environment is quite sensitive that needs a collective responsibility and the district administration can liaison with Forest Dept. to support any plantation campaign if required. Mr. Anuj Kumar (Director, DRDA) was the guest of honour for the event and he supported for plantation as a remedy to check our environment passing through all types of pollution.
Earlier Mr. Girija Satish (President, NBJK) welcomed the guests and briefed about Holistic Rural Development Programme in 15 villages of Koderma district. He said that with support of HDFC Bank, NBJK has constructed ponds, initiated for solar powered water towers-street lamps-home lights and innovative drip irrigation in target villages. We run remedial coaching centres for school children, promote women SHGs, plantation, organize health camps and address drinking water problem as an inclusive intervention for villages, he explained. Mr. Pawan Lal Gupta (Programme Manager, NBJK), Mrs. Sudha Devi, Mrs. Uma Devi (Community Mobilizers), Mr. Bhola Yadav (Veer Jharkhand Sewa Manch, Koderma), Mr. Ganesh Yadav, Mr. Subodh Kumar, Md. Mohsin Raza (RCC Teachers) were other speakers on this occasion.
Around 150 people have participated in World Environment fortnight convention and 75 of them got papaya plants to grow. Mr. Shankar Rana has conducted the dais; Mr. Pawan Lal Gupta delivered vote of thanks and Mr. Krishna Raut (Asst. Prog. Manager) & other staffs have worked hard to organize the event gracefully.