11 October 2017, Patna: A convention upon peace and harmony held on the occasion of JP Jayanti at IMA Hall, Patna under the joint auspices of Bihar Pradesh Lok Samiti and Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra. The program was inaugurated by Mr. Girija Satish (National President, Lok Samiti) who said that we are basically a non-communal society and our governments must treat all the citizens equally. He blamed Babri Masjid demolition as a key factor behind post independence detachment between Hindu and Muslim communities and said that linking religious faith with vote is dangerous as it diverts attention from real issues. Mr. Girija has called communalism as anti-development and stressed over all-religious harmony through thematic conventions at village-block-district level, organising joint celebration of festivals with focus upon cultural components and better school syllabus.
As the chief guest of this convention, Prof. (Mrs.) M. N. Anzum (Head, English & Foreign Languages, Magadh University) has termed peace and harmony as corresponding to each other. She called for protection of fundamental rights enshrined by the constitution. Prof. Anzum has appealed to follow humanity, democratic values and ideological respect to remember JP in a true sense. In his key note address, Mr Kaushal Ganesh Azad (National Coordinator, Lok Samiti) has appreciated Indian culture as inclusive one and said that people from all religions have contributed to nation building and they must be honored. Mr. Bijay Kumar (President, Bihar Pradesh Lok Samiti) has presided over the convention and said that Gandhi-JP thoughts should be promoted for peace & harmony. Mr. Shivji Singh (General Secretary, Bihar Pradesh Lok Samiti) has assured for initiatives by Lok Samiti to promote fraternity.
Other prominent speakers were Messrs Prof. Mahendra Lal Karn (Academician), Vidyabhushan Singh (Ex-MLA), Vinod Sharma (Treasurer, National Lok Samiti), Chandrabhushan (Secretary, National Lok Samiti), Kranti Rashosh (Coordinator, Bihar Lok samiti), Jagannath Singh and many others. The convention has passed resolutions regarding non-discrimination and equality among citizens by people and Regional Political Parties and about programs for peace & harmony at village-block-district levels by Lok Samiti. Also the convention has appealed schools & colleges to initiate all religions prayer by Gandhi ji and reconstruction of academic curriculam to promote peace and harmony.