4 – 6 July 2017, Lucknow: 3 days Orientation Course on Counselling was organized for Counsellors working at Family Counselling Centres (FCCs) run by VOs with support of Central & State Social Welfare Boards. The training was provided by Lucknow based Regional Centre of National Institute of Public Cooperation & Child Development and NBJK was represented by Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Counsellor at FCC.
There were 23 trainee Counsellors from FCCs in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jharkharnd as participants of this programme and they have been oriented towards the topics like Violence against Women in India, Draft National Policy on Women 2016, FCC: An Overview and Resource Persons have facilitated a discussion on problems of FCCs. Also they provided a comprehensive idea over counselling and guided the trainees about their roles & responsibilities with effective functioning of FCC in context of any family dispute. There were sessions and Role Plays on Stress/Anxiety/Depression Management, Maintenance of Records & Case files and Effective Counselling also.
Dr. N. Khan (Assistant Director, NIPCCD), Shri Mukesh Kumar (Asst. Director, NIPCCD), Dr. Rakesh Kumar Tripathi (Associate Prof., KGMU), Ms. Preeta Srivastava (Secretary, SSWB, UP), Ms. Namrata Chauhan (Clinical Psychologist) and Shri R. B. Pandey (Counsellor, CBCID) were resource persons for the programme.