18 February 2017, Amrit Nagar (Hazaribag): One day training upon Story Gathering was held for field staffs under Disability Rights program with support of AVI-BLF, UK. Ms. Claudine and Mr. Mike Heridan from Action Village India have facilitated the training focused upon skills to write true change stories as well as basics of photography to make these more real with good pictures.
Ms. Claudine has welcomed all participants and said that feelings are important, thus we need appropriate words to combine a strong case study that proves our work and expected outcome of any program in the field. Under the section of Preparation, she briefed about personality, positive impact of the project, ripple effect, diversity & scope of support and comment from the beneficiary. A good story contains different aspects of any support, need & solution, more detail about the person like his/her struggles, hobbies or friendship and it must reflects independence, dignity and empowerment, she elaborated. Ms. Claudine has provided a checklist and questionnaire to be applied for story gathering. Also she explained about top things to remember while developing any good story.
Mr. Mike Heridan has taken a session upon good photography by simple digital camera. He praised real photographs to communicate activity, intervention, family, benefit and feelings of any program beneficiary. His inputs upon light, focus, environment and close-up were quite helpful. Also he checked and improved settings of the cameras allocated to staffs earlier.
There were 20 trainees including all district and block coordinators of Disability Rights program. Mrs. Sujata Prasad (Program Manager) has coordinated the training and thanked the resource persons for such valuable information.