2 March, Bokaro: Adarsh Gram Sewa Samiti (village-Kanjkeri, block-Nawadih, district-Bokaro, Jharkhand) was visited by an NBJK team under Support to Small Initiatives program designed to promote small grass root VOs and their capacity building. Mr. Basudev Sharma (Secretary, AGSS) is a recipient of the fellowship provided through the program with support of BFW (Germany).
Mr. Rajeev Singh (program manager) and Mr. Shankar Rana (asst. program manager) have visited SHGs of mushroom grower women and provided them some tips for smooth marketing and more income. They took a stock of office management and documentation process of the organization to ensure execution of standard practices needed by the government or donor agencies. Also they went to Usha Silai School running in the area for village girls by the woman teacher selected and trained by NBJK and AGSS with help of Usha International Ltd. The Silai School is able to cater 48 girls and women as a learning point for tailoring as the most popular skill they want to be familiar with at ease. They met villagers and found them aware for any dig demonstrated as social audit or facts finding tool for the partner VO.
Under Support to Small Initiatives Program, we work upon capacity building of VOs and try to streamline them in accordance with the requirements of regulatory bodies to ensure transparency and a work culture to deliver result, pointed out Mr. Rajeev Singh (program manager) after the field visit. The program support goes to 29 VOs across Jharkhand and Bihar to strengthen people’s initiative for development.