Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

62 years old, Kajri Masomot is resident of Ganjawar village of Ramgarh Block of Dumka District, Jharkhand. His husband ha Hemlal Manjhi expired few years back and Kajri is now living with her 2 Sons and 2 Daughters. They live in kuccha house (house made of mud) and belong to Below Poverty Line.

Making Bamboo baskets is their profession and earns about Rs. 30- Rs. 50 ($0.5 – $1) every day. Many times they face the issue of food security at their home. Kajri had cataract blindness for past 1 year. She was not able to walk alone and do her daily living activities. She was not able to make bamboo crafts, thus their family income had suffered. She had to be dependent on others for all her need.

NBJK is running Loknayak Jaiprakash Eye Hospital to provide the poor and marginalised high quality eye services at affordable/free of cost. To reach remote areas, eye screening camps are organised regularly in remote villages. Kajri Masomot visited the eye screening camp organised near her village, where she was diagnosed with cataract. Her vision was RE- HM and LE- 1/2 meters.

She was provided transport to visit the eye hospital where she was thoroughly diagnosed and operated with IOL technique. She now has a vision of 6/16 and she could see properly with spectacles and do all her works without the support of any other family members. She has even resumed bamboo craft making and contributing toward her family income. She is very happy and living a life with dignity.

NBJK, through Loknayak Jaiprakash Eye Hospital is providing subsidised/free cataract surgeries to over 2000 poor cataract blinds every year. Learn more about eye care programme here.