Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra


15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability, this make it to 1 billion people in the world. People with disabilities are double disadvantaged due to poverty and disability. They are considered as burden in the family and society and are subjected to taunting, abuse and isolation. NBJK with the kind support of organizations like CBM-Australian Aid, Sightsavers, AVI-BLF, Axis Bank Foundation, …Read More


Mental Health

  Mental health would comprise of 15% of global disease burden by 2020. Due to fast changing lifestyle, poverty, unemployment, etc. there is a substantial rise in the number of mental illness in rural areas. It is estimated that 7% of population suffers from mental disorder, of which 90% remains untreated. Many patients of mental illness are treated inhumanly in villages and at their home. …Read More


Eye Care

Of the 37 million people across the globe who are blind, over 15 million are from India. 85% of this blind population lives in rural areas where there is lack of health services, unawareness and poor sanitation. 85% of the blindness could be avoided with a simple surgery restoring eyesight, thus restoring life. To provide high quality eye care services, NBJK started Loknayak Jaiprakash (LNJP) …Read More


General Health

About 50% of total population of Bihar and Jharkhand states on India lives below poverty line. These people are unable to visit doctors for health checkups. This has resulted in high maternal mortality rate, high infant mortality rate, high number of deaths due to disease which are curable like malaria, TB and diarrhoea. Government has Primay Health Centre and Hospitals at district level, but the …Read More



Rapid urbanization and concentration of people without adequate civic facilities has resulted as slum areas in Ranchi where safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene coverage are needed to fulfill essential requirements for inhabitants. NBJK took their cause and ensured access of such fundamental services for them in 32 slums of Ranchi district where there is no choice but to live anyhow. Under WASH project, it …Read More

Women using mobile to get information about maternal health

Maternal and Child Health

What is the need It is a paradox that statistics of any ANC coverage shows an increase from 51% to 56%, TT injections from 48% to 55% and IFA tablets from 12% to 19% however, despite the improvement in figures, Jharkhand has been subjected to poor quality of maternal health situation and services. There is very less awareness about institutional delivery and about 80% of …Read More