Small group support
In rural development, the voluntary sector plays a vital role, both in organising the people and filling the gaps in service delivery where the government does not reach. There are large numbers of NGOs at the village level, which are new and need support to develop. NBJK has been the only VO in Jharkhand and Bihar that has been working to strengthen the new and …Read More
Family counselling
Family is an important institution developed by humanity in course of making this race more civilized and women have played crucial role in this process indisputably. But with increasing crime against women and children in families, the very string to harmonize our social milieu is losing its tone gradually. As per a report by The Jharkhand State Women Commission, about 40% women in the state …Read More
Lok Samiti (People’s Group)
India is the largest democracy open for all of her citizens belong to different cultures, climates, faiths, languages and regions like any rainbow but at the same time she faces dark clouds looming large over here as sluggish governance, violation of human rights and discrimination for common people. Lok Samiti, a non-political and non-religious people’s group founded by the veteran Sarvodaya leader Jai Prakash Narayan …Read More