Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Please select a cause to support:

80% girls drops out from school in India due to poverty, gender disparity and long distance of schools from villages. They are married at an early age and many of these girls become mother in their adolescence, putting their life in danger.

Create awareness on the importance of girl’s education. Provide school fees, books, uniform and other educational needs to a girl for a year @Rs.2300/year.

Restore Eyesight of a Cataract Blind

Of the 37 million people across the globe who are blind, over 15 million are from India. 85% of this blind population lives in rural areas where there is poverty, lack of health services and unawareness. 85% of the blindness can be avoided with a simple cataract surgery, restoring their eyesight.

4 out of 5 blind people are curable if treated at the right time. Make a poor cataract blind person to see again @Rs.1800/surgery.

Orphan/Homeless children

Homeless and destitute children are very vulnerable. Their lives mean just to survive and there may be plenty of chances for them to be beggars, drug addicts, criminals or any kind of anti-social elements.

57 such children are living at Lord Buddha Home for Children and getting motherly care, quality education in an English medium school and health services. Support a homeless/orphan child for a month @Rs.4000

Bring a person with disability into mainstream

15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability, of whom 2-4% experience significant difficulties in functioning. They are considered as burden in the family and society.

Provide sustainable livelihood support or aid and appliances, and make a people with disabilities independent  by inclusion in mainstream @ Rs. 3000/person.

Adopt a Usha Silai School

The amount donated will be used to set up and run an Usha Silai School in a rural area and includes all expenses that go into training of 1 woman over a period of 7 days. The woman will also be given a Start-up kit consisting of a foot operated Usha Sewing Machine, sewing and stitching syllabus in vernacular, training material, service manual, certificate and an Usha Silai School signage. You can also opt to contribute towards helping out more than one woman. To know more please visit

Usha Silai Schools enable rural women to become entrepreneurs, by skilling them in sewing.