Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

5 years old Anresh Soren is a male child with Cerebral Palsy. His father Mr Kubraj Soren is a marginal farmer who heads a family of 6 members. All they live in a kuchcha house, dependent upon agriculture and some of them work as daily wage laborers too.

In the case of Anresh, his parents or other family members were quite hopeless to improve the condition. He was bed ridden as unable to bend his hands or legs and could not eat by his own. He had no control over toilet or saliva.

When NBJK intervened, Anresh was checked by physiotherapist and special educator. He and his family members were oriented towards ADL (Activities of Daily Living). He was provided home based services and got regular exercise with training to make his life easier. Anresh became able to sit. Through continuous training and practice, his joints have lost stiffness and he got some strength to get partial control over his organ movements. Anresh became aware of all these improvements and got motivated to support such interventions. When a parallel bar was set up at his place, he started to stand and walk some how. A slow but steady change was noticed in Anresh and this made the difference in people’s perception also needed here badly. He got an acceptance.

Now Anresh has been enrolled at local Aanganwadi Center where he gets meal and a company of other children. His family members use to take him at public places or in community functions like marriage etc. He has been facilitated to obtain the disability certificate on 8th March this year, which makes him eligible to get certain benefits as per the law. His pension application is under process and after some formalities; Anresh will get Rs. 500 per month from the state.