10 November 2017, Dumka: Mr. Mukesh Kumar (IAS), Deputy Commissioner of Dumka, has inaugurated the new ward of LokNayak JayPrakash Eye Hospital. He was accompanied by Mr. Shashi Ranjan (IAS), Deputy Development Commissioner of Dumka also in the inaugural function. Now the eye hospital is capacitated with total 50 beds. Mr. Mukesh Kumar, DC has praised NBJK to run a modern eye hospital at a tribal populated small place like Dumka. Phaco surgery for Cataract patients, hygiene maintenance, adequate infrastructure and free service to poor people are the features make LNJPEH appreciable indeed, the DC opined during his brief address.
In the beginning, Mr. Girija Satish (President, NBJK) welcomed all the guests present in the ceremony and introduced about NBJK’s initiatives for change in people’s lives through various programs like Rights to People with Disabilities, Watershed, Vocational Training, Eye Hospital and many more since the year 1971. This new ward will serve eye patients well in winter season and villagers / their carers from remote areas can stay here safely, he added. Mr. Girija has informed about facilities like canteen, dining hall and doctors’ residence with LNJPEH now to upgrade its services.
Mr. Anand Abhinav (Program Director, NBJK) has recalled about the journey of LNJPEH that started with 10 beds, reached to 50 beds now and expanded in terms of achievements also. We could restore eye sight of more than 2700 cataract patients by their eye surgery free of cost last year, he pointed out.
The inaugural function was graced by Mr. Nirad Bag (State Program Officer, CBM-Banglore), Mr. Saben & Ms Eireen (CBM, Australia), Md. Sharif (President, District Chamber of Commerce, Dumka) and community people. NBJK team comprised of Messrs Neeraj Raman, Md. Ezaz, Santosh Gautam and others have organized the function successfully.