Arti Kumari belongs to Mandai Khurd village of Hazaribag Sadar block in Hazaribag district of Jharkhand. Her family includes 7 members and the father is a mason. He is lone bread earner for the family. It is very challenging for her father to run the family in a proper manner. She has three more sisters and all of them were forced to drop out from schools due to poverty.
Arti wanted to shoulder economic burdens of her family and one friend has conveyed her about Skill for Life, the residential training program on skill development by NBJK. She came to training center and queried about the courses offered. She got admission in the course of General Duty Assistant domain as per her interest. After completion of the course, Arti has been recruited as patient care attendant at Nidan Hospital, Hazaribag. Now she earns Rs. 3,500 per month.
This enabled Arti to share economic responsibilities of her family, to get school admission for her sisters and to enjoy social recognition also. This training has unleashed a new beginning in my life and improves health care services also with help of such useful training to youths, Arti says.