Deepak Kumar Sharma (23 years) is a youth from village-Saraiya, block-Padma, district-Hazaribag (Jharkhand). He is the youngest son among four siblings in the farmer family of Mr. Kashinath Sharma and Mrs. Urmila Devi. Deepak has joined NBJK run Residential Rozgar Training in October’16 to learn Mobile-CFL repairing & servicing skill.
Till November’16, he has learnt to make charging sections, speaker/mike, ringer, LCD fitting, IC reboll, wall repair with many more regarding android/ keypad cell phones and about reuse of CFL bulb. Also he went through life skill sessions during this two months course and contributed to make an interactive environment with his fellow trainees. After training, he was offered the job of a mechanic by Maa Ambe Mobile Repair Shop at Korra Chowk, Hazaribag.
Deepak works on contract basis and charges half income from every business he attends. He assumes to earn about Rs. 4,500 in December and feels happy by easy going to his home about 20 km far from his work place. “I was interested in electric works right from my childhood, so with the mobiles later and got the chance to learn something really at NBJK, which made me self-reliant…”Deepak says.