Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Rajni kumariRajni Kumari is a 6 years old girl-child from village – Dhanadih of Simra panchayat in Jama block of Dumka district. She was born as an underweight baby and could not get proper immunization on time. As she grown up little, it has been observed that her body movement is not as per her age and she is visually impaired also. Rajni was unable to move her hands, legs or waist and incompetent to even sit her own. Due to prolonged inactivity, she was grabbed with skin problem also. Her father Mr Rajesh Rana memorizes the panic, when he and his wife came to know this hard truth and confirmed that their daughter is suffering from multiple disabilities by birth. Rajni’s parents became hopeless as she was quite doughy and they believed that nothing will be changed till her complete death.

NBJK’s intervention started in June, 2012 when Ms Raju Sheel (field worker) has identified Rajni and took related initiatives with help of Mr Bipul Kumar (physiotherapist) and Ms Chandra Das (special animator). This team provided counseling to parents and home based services of physiotherapy with education. They continued her exercise as per the norms and tried to motivate the child and her parents. Rajni has shown positive changes. She is being provided with nutritional supplement for the fast recovery from weakness. At first, her skin responded and restored normalcy. Regular movement of limbs brought strength for Rajni gradually. Rajni was facilitated to recognize household items. Now she can identify certain items by her touch and tell the name of those items. NBJK staffs have trained her mother who was impressed to see such transformation and works out with her beloved daughter regularly.

Now Rajni can stand on her legs, she walks for short distance and talks to family members or friends. She has been enrolled at her village based Aanganwadi and goes there on foot, with her mother. Her parents are happy to become a part of this change. She is being provided orientation & mobility training also. If such measures enable her to walk independently, she will be enrolled in school.