Er. Satish Kumar “Satish Girija” was born at Ranchi on 12 January, 1949. His mother Mrs. Suraj Devi and father Mr. Vishwanath Prasad Gupta were kind hearted parents with a middle class urban background. When Mr. Satish Kumar was in class 7th at St. John’s school, Ranchi, he met Mr. Girija Nandan “ Girija Satish” as his class fellow and foundation of their lifelong friendship was laid to bring changes in live of common mass through one after another initiatives taken by the duo. Due to their strong friendship, they even choose to changed their names with a new name combined from their first names.
Mr. Satish Girija has completed his graduation in electrical engineering from BIT, Sindri in 1970 and shaped his life as per the inner urge to do help poor and deprived people. He served at draught relief camps, studied great personalities and decided to devote himself for the cause of humanity. Mr Satish Girija is the founder member and secretary of NBJK who lives the organization to make it energetic and active for more than four decades in villages of Jharkhand and Bihar through various innovative programs on socioeconomic development, health & sanitation, advocacy and education.
He has studied planning & management of rural development at Birmingham University, UK and gained a vast experience in the field of micro development with his visits to 10 countries of Asia, Europe, America and Africa time to time. Er. Satish Girija is a prolific writer of many books upon environment, play way learning, children, organization development, fund raising and health awareness. He wishes to empower people through NBJK and supports them in all struggles against injustice.