Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

A section of our children and adolescents does not get amicable circumstances to be educated and they miss the very skill of reading or writing to obtain further knowledge as hardship does not permit them to follow formal education system.
NBJK with the kind support of AID offers 5 non-formal education centres for disadvantaged children in slum areas of Patna where they get primary education, health services, life skills and vocational skill training.
These children go for exposure and extra-curricular activities also as play-way method of learning proved helpful for their progress. They are being promoted to enrol in formal schools after getting fundamentals.
180 impoverished children & adolescents are being benefitted by these NFE centres. AID-USA supports the program to take care of such marginalized and unvoiced group of our society.

What is the need?
The situation of muslim and dalit girl children of slums can improve only with education as they are the main sufferers. Most of these children are not allowed to knock the doors of school and are victims of early marriage, domestic and psychological violence and sometimes sexual gratification.
Dalit and Muslim community generally bears a conservative outlook. The girl children are the primary sufferers who are confined within their houses at a tender age of 7-8 and remain at home. They are faced with numerous problems like early marriages which is the root cause of various other problems. They are mostly married at the age of 14 years which has serious implications on her health and wellbeing.

Our Approach and Achievements
NBJK runs 5 Non-Formal Education centres in 5 slums of Patna. Children from age 5-14 years come to these centres where they get primary education, health services, life skills and vocational skill training. Special focus is given to girl children. The NFE teachers visit homes in the slums and convince their parent to send their children to the centre.
The programme earmarked other positive changes in the targeted community by creating awareness on reproductive health, cleanliness and general knowledge. Children attaining competency of Class 3 or 4 are motivated to join government or private schools and continue their education.
Adolescent girls are given training on tailoring, which is running with the support of AID-Columbus chapter. The programme has enhanced holistic development amidst slum dwellers including their children particularly girl child.

Still much to do…

  • Dalit and Muslim community generally bears a conservative outlook. The girl children are the primary sufferers and could not study
  • These children could rejoin schools once the fundamentals are build and counselling of their parents are done
  • Adolescent girls of slums are least educated about reproductive health, hygiene and sanitation