Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Eye Hospital, Bahera (Chouparan) will orient village health workers or Sahiyas to make people aware of eye care and related services existing within their reach, said Mr. Asim Ali (Manager, LNJPEH) during the District level Sahiya convention at Town Hall, Hazaribag on 2nd March. He added that 80% cases of blindness can be prevented or cured with timely medical intervention and a Sahiya will be instrumental as the link person for people suffering from eye problem in villages. Sahiya convention was organized by District Health Committee, Hazaribag and inaugurated by Dr. Dharmveer (Civil Surgeon, Hazaribag) who appreciated village women working as Sahiya to facilitate essential health services for mothers & children. He has briefed about Pentavalent vaccine for children that can save them from deadly diseases. The civil surgeon has visited LNJPEH stall also and asked about services available at the hospital or its satellite centers. He has assured about access to health services for marginalized people in remote villages under National Health Mission. It is noteworthy that cataract is a major cause of blindness in rural areas and LNJPEH will support Sahiyas in detection and treatment of people suffering from eye diseases.